Discover the perfect fusion of Yoga and Qigong

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Erma Braza

Course: Date: 26 December 2023 Comments: Comments Off on Erma Braza

I am an Acupuncturist, Mom, Student, and Happy

Wanderer. I love my life, and I’m grateful for all my blessings. I own a

practice with such wonderful patients, I have a wonderful loving family,

and a flexible schedule to homeschool my fantastic son. But my life has

taken a toll on me. I’ve neglected taking care of my own health. Although

I’m happy, I’m exhausted.

I looked for a Qi Gong Program so that I can learn how to manage the stress

in my life, heal my joints, cultivate Qi, and at the same time, empower my

patients to do the same. I did extensive research to find the right place,

and I chose White Tiger Qi Gong because I absolutely love how you bridge

the gap between the roots of Daoists’ traditions and Modern Medicine. I know

I found the right place because the teachers are awesome and the other

students are such extraordinary people. I love the repetition and how we

just keep adding layers upon layers on each of the 5 Elements until it

becomes second nature.

I’ve become more connected to my breath and my body. I’ve been feeling more

energy and flexibility. The stress is becoming more manageable and overall,

I just feel more open. White Tiger Qi Gong is such a great program to live,

learn and grow from.

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