Qigong Blog
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Explore the White Tiger blog to dive into Qigong theory and practice, Chinese Medicine fundamentals, sports science and neuroscience, and how you can apply the wisdom of Qigong to benefit all areas of your life.
Medical Qigong for Hypertension
In this essay, I will discuss combinations of prescriptive Medical Qigong exercises that can be used for people with hypertension. Ultimately, the objective...
The top 6 most powerful breathin...
Aside from ‘taking a deep breath’ in a moment of crisis, many assume there’s just one way to breathe: in...
Visit Thailand: why you should m...
When we think about Qigong, we can see how it becomes different things to different people. For some it’s a way...
Differences Between Qigong and T...
Tai Chi is Qigong but Qigong is not Tai Chi. Tai Chi is one of the 3000 kinds of documented Qigong. Original...
Leopard Qigong for Anger in the ...
Leopard Qigong - 5 Element White Tiger Qigong In our last two blog articles, we discovered the Dragon Qigong and how it...
Medical Qigong Vs Qigong and Pot...
Many people ask me about Medical Qigong Vs Qigong or standard Qigong?  First, you must understand the purpose or goal of each style...