In Today's society, we are compelled to sit most of the time -sitting in front of our computers or glued to our desks. At the end of the day, we feel our lower body starting to feel sore. Sometimes taking painkillers is the most immediate response to pain. Not all of us would think that there is a better solution to pain and soreness and not painkillers. This Qigong for the lower body will help ease out the soreness and pain. Well, you might consider, "Why do I have to practice Qigong for lower body pains, when I can easily get a pill to relieve the pain?"
Qigong for Lower body: Connection with Fascia
Firstly, Qigong for lower body exercises releases muscles that were quirk and wrung out the wrong way. According to the studies by Tom Myers of Anatomy Trains, fascia is a tissue that connects the muscles, ligaments, and organs. Fascia is made up of bundles of collagen fibers that will help with muscle stretching and tension. Fibroblasts are cells that make the collagen fibers that web the fascia. Fascia forms like a webbing that runs around the whole body. This is the hard, stretchy, white tissue that acts like a net. One example is the stretchy hard-to-chew part on a tenderloin steak. The human fascia looks exactly the same as the beef fascia below.

Fascia and pain connection
One study states that the relationship between meridians and fascia, the Myofascial Meridians is notable. These myofascial meridians are the lines of force that help scatter the strain and pass on the tension every time we move. The study of Dr. Helene Langevin, a professor at the University of Vermont College of Medicine's Department of Neurological Sciences, links meridians between fascial networks. These Fascial Networks are also able to store and release elastic potential energy. Starting the Potential energy depends on the position of the object. In this case, our body. Therefore, if we move to a certain position, we activate energy in our bodies.
Now, western medicine believes that our body is made of over 650 -840 muscles. However, Tom Myers says that muscles are one but made of hundreds of Fascial patches called Fascial Network. This relates much to the Chinese Medicine explanation of how Meridians work.
Anatomy of Pain and Qigong and Fascia

Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that restoring the balance between Yin and Yang is the key to good health. In Western medicine term, this is what we know as modulation of the equilibrium between parasympathetic and sympathetic activity. In Qigong, as we practice our forms we trigger the parasympathetic and sympathetic activity of our brain. So by mastering the works of our brain and body, we can hack our body's natural response. As a result, we can relieve the effects of chronic pain through autonomic nervous system (ANS) function.
Pain, at any part of the body, relates to stagnation of qi. We all know that Meridians are energy channels, like rivers running throughout the body. The "Qi" (energy) travels through the Meridians. Traditional Chinese Medicine relates 12 principal meridians running from the head to the feet. This runs along the surface of the body, as well as the deep branch of Meridians. The Fascia interlocks the meridians of the body. This reaches internal organs and many other systems of meridians that connect the whole body including physiological, physical, and emotional functions.
Qigong For Strengthening the Lower Body
There are a lot of exercises and practices that make our body stronger and more flexible. Making the lower part of our body stronger is very important as it carries the whole weight of the body. The lower extremities, which include the legs, thighs, ankles, and feet, would likely feel the most pressure during heavy activities.
Earlier we mention the energy that is stored in the body and can be roused using positions. In qigong, we position our body to massage the meridians in our fascia. According to research, how we position our body links to the body's neurophysiological, biomechanical, and psycho emotive response. This means that daily Qigong can release stagnation of Qi and improve overall wellness.
Dragon Qigong for Lower back suppleness
The Dragon from 5 Elements Qigong is one of the most effective exercises for lower back pain and soreness. The Dragon Qigong form targets the Jing essence in the kidneys. As we twist to our maximum range of motion (ROM) we wring out the kidneys and stimulate the flow of qi in the spine. This form is especially good if you experience Neck and Upper back pain and Lower back pain. Continuous practice of this form not only removes excess, settled emotion of fear but also helps renew kidney essence. The kidney essence also helps produce anti-aging hormones in the body.
Crane for Leg and Hip Mobility
Crane relates to the free spirit of the Animal crane whilst deeply building your strength and balance. The twisting motion of this exercise from the 5 Animals Qigong activates fascia muscles and joints in your legs as well as the hips. This creates strong leg stability with a great deep stretch for runners and athletes who experience back pain. This is also good with pelvic stability and hip mobility. Crane actively creates pelvic stability and balance while stimulating hips through flexion, abduction, and extension movements. Additionally, Crane improves ankle stability and spatial awareness by bringing the ankle into a pointed foot which is essential for movement.
Separating Heaven and Earth for ankle strength
Separating Heaven and Earth aids the knee stability of the ankles (dorsiflexion) and hips. This form uniquely relates to the psoas and the primary breathing muscle, the diaphragm. This can help people with poor posture or people who spend a lot of this behind the desk. This helps manage and improve the functions of the stomach and spleen. It also stimulates the muscles and fascia in the arm, shoulder, back. Additionally, refines and improves the circulation of the blood flow.
End Note
It is vital to understand how pain can be associated with our everyday activities. However, pain can simply be reduced and eliminated with the proper qigong practice. Training holistically with mindful mobility exercises and breathing techniques greatly ensures that our workouts are not just physically good, mentally stimulating, and powerful. Qigong is a powerful skill we can learn to reach our maximum potential.