Qigong for Eyes
In this blog we will discuss qigong for eyes and why eye health is important. We will learn useful health enhancing tips and effective qigong methods for good eye health.
Eye health is much taken for granted. In this day and age, in many people’s lifestyle, vision is the top sense organs that suffers from over-usage. It is always important to keep our eyes in their healthiest state. The eye is the sense organ that allows us to have vision and is one of the most important sense organs in the body. According to the National Eye Institute, in estimation, the annual economic burden of vision loss, eye disease and vision disorder reaches to about $139 billion. A lot of people are always on their phones or computers which increases the risks of eye disorders due to overuse and eye fatigue.
What muscles help us focus our vision?
There are two types of eye muscles: extrinsic muscles that control eye movement and position, and intrinsic muscles that control eye focus and how much light enters the eye.
- Muscles responsible for Eye Movement
Extrinsic eye muscles attach to the external part of the eyeballs. These muscles only attaches within the orbit of the eyeball and not within it. Through these muscles the eyes are able to move in all directions. The main function of these muscles is to control eye movement and eye alignment.
The extrinsic eye muscles are divides into 2 parts: The Rectus Muscles and the Oblique Muscles. There are 4 Rectus Muscles and 2 Oblique Muscles.
Rectus Muscles:
- Medial rectus muscle - responsible for forward movement (adduction)
- Lateral rectus muscle - responsible for backward movement (abduction)
- Superior rectus muscle - responsible for upward movement when eyes are adducted (elevation)
- Inferior rectus muscle - responsible for downward movement when eyes are adducted.(depression)
Oblique Muscles:
- Superior oblique muscle - responsible for upward movement when eyes are abducted. (elevation)
- Inferior oblique muscle - responsible for downward movement when eyes are abducted. (depression)
- Muscles that focus the vision
The muscles that control the movements of the lens and pupil are the Intrinsic muscles. These muscles help in the function of our vision. There are 3 intrinsic muscles: Ciliary, dilator pupillae and sphincter pupillae muscles.
These muscle groups are important to know to understand how qigong for eyes work best for healthy functioning eyes.
Which vitamins are most important for eye health
What are the best vitamins for eye health?
Vitamin A, C, and E are most essential for good eye health. Vitamin B and other nutrients are also important for this role. When our body lacks these vitamins it is known to cause eye related problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.
What do your eyes reveal about your health?
In order to understand why qigong for eyes is a really optimum choice to maintain good eye health we need to discuss how our organs are connects to eye health.
- The liver opens to the eyes
One of the liver’s functions is storing blood. By storing blood, the liver supports the function of the eyes and nails. The Liver meridian connects to the functions of the eye mainly through the nourishment of the blood in the liver. The health of the liver can manifest in the eyes. When the liver doesn’t function well it can manifest in the eyes as dry eyes, blurred vision, pain and swelling of the eyes.
A person's lifestyle can greatly affect one’s liver health. People who consume too much alcohol may experience liver deficiency.
In Chinese medicine the Liver connects to the wood element. The spirit of the wood element also connects with the eyes. When there is imbalance in the liver organ it is best to look at beautiful green scenery. Acupuncture points in Traditional Chinese Medicine helps release tension in the liver channel to relieve eye discomforts. In the Organ clock of Chinese Medicine, the liver rejuvenates at 11pm to 3am. It is very suggested to be in deep sleep by this time to help the liver’s daily self-healing. Frequent and overusing one’s eyes can cause imbalances in the liver.
As we know now, Vitamin A is one of the main vitamins which is essential for liver health. The liver does not only produce but it also stores Vitamin A. The health of the liver is essential to produce the essential vitamins needed for healthy eyes.
- The heart moves the blood to the eyes
We all know that “The eyes are the window to the soul”, this is true, however, the eyes are also the window to the heart.
The eyes can reveal the heart’s condition literally and spiritually. The retina vasculature are tiny blood vessels found in the eyes which connect to the heart. This blood vessel helps detect high blood pressure or blocked arteries through manifestation in the eyes.
The heart also connects to the fire element and the emotion of excess desire. When one has excess desire one may never be content which may result in depression. When one is content and at peace it can be seen through the spark in their eyes. Truly, the eyes are the window to the heart.
- The stomach nourishes the upper and the lower lids of the eyes are
The stomach or gut health also connects with the eyes. The gut-eye axis shows that there is a link between the stomach and the eyes.
Some studies have shown that disruption of the gut’s microbiome and activation of the immune cells may trigger inflammation in the eyes. This affects the retina, the eye microbiome, and hydration in the eyes which may lead to dry eyes.
- Kidney transforms the Water of the eye
The function of the kidney is to filter waste in the body and it is known to connect to the water element. When the kidney is unable to filter out waste properly it can produce a build up of salts and minerals which is also an imbalance to the water element of the body. When there is imbalance of water element in the body, the kidney is not able to filter wastes and minerals such as excess salt in the body. The excess waste and minerals may accumulate in the eyes.
When the kidney is healthy, it can transform the water in the eyes and avoid build up of minerals in the eyes which can cause dry and irritated eyes.
Deficiency in the kidney may also lead to swelling in the eyes. When the kidney cannot function well, it can cause water imbalance which leads to increased fluid in the eyes. Having a healthy kidney is important for eye health and balancing the water element in the eyes.
Is it possible for qigong eye exercises to improve Vision?
Now we know how the organs connect to the eye. Let's now discuss how qigong can help improve vision. Qigong can help reduce vision disorders through movement, proper use of breath and setting the intention. Effective qigong methods help eliminate health issues. There are several qigong eye exercises that we can use to help eliminate poor eye health.
Qigong methods such as qigong eye exercise is popular in medical qigong to help improve eye health. In ancient practices the eye or the gaze is part part of the movement, such as in Tai Chi. This is because the movements in the eyes are connects to the rest of the body,
Qigong Eye exercise for better vision

5 Animal Qigong
One of the most effective qigong eye exercise is the Monkey 1 (Monkey Picks the Fruit) qigong from the 5 Animal Qigong system. The Monkey 1 Qigong is made specifically for the eyes. When you see the eyes it seems like it is very plain, but in reality the eyes are made of complex nerve connections which enables vision. The eyes are actually a sensory organ which is a part of the nervous system.
The Monkey 1 qigong uses the eyes by using the gaze. You look far away to “pick the fruit” and then you look down on your shoulders to exercise far and near vision.
The Monkey 1 also helps in secreting eye fluid through the ciliary processes. This qigong also helps strengthen near and far sight strength through the zonular fibers or ciliary zonules. This fibers extends from the ciliary processes and holds the lens in place by attaching to it. The tension level of these fibers change the shape of the lens and this allows long-range and short-range focus.
The lacrimal apparatus is a group of structures that produce and drain tears. When the eyelid blinks during Monkey 1 qigong it spreads the fluid in the middle frontal part of the eyeball.
The Monkey in the 5 Animal Qigong also connects to the Wood Element. The Wood Element in Chinese Medicine connects to the liver. The liver as we now know holds an important role for good eye health.
Monkey 1 Qigong is really one of the best qigong eye exercise. If you want to learn this qigong and other 5 Animal Qigong forms, join White Tiger Qigong’s in person training this coming November in Vietnam. Clink this link for more details and to reserve your space.
Meridian Qigong
The Meridian Qigong uses movements that wrings out the meridians and then allows it to bring in fresh qi. Most of the qigong exercises use the gaze or eyes with the movement such as Heavenly Pillar 2, Two Hands Supporting the Kidney, Eagle Spreads its Wings and many more. This helps release any blockages in the meridians that connect to the eyes.
5 Element Qigong
The 5 Element Qigong is also a very powerful qigong for eye exercise.
Leopard Qigong
The Leopard Qigong connects to the wood element and connects with the liver organ. This is a good qigong eye exercise because it balances the liver and helps it release toxins to function efficiently. Through the movement of the leopard qigong, not only does it squeeze out the toxins from the liver it also incorporates eye movement. Through this, it allows qi to flow more freely in the liver channel. This releases blockages and stagnation in the liver and the liver channel, allowing more nourishment in the eyes.
Crane Qigong
The Crane Qigong connects to the fire element and connects with the heart organ. This qigong connects to the fire element and associates with the heart organ. This is a good qigong eye exercise because the movement in the crane qigong uses concentration in the eyes’ gaze, which helps strengthen the eyes’ focus. The crane qigong balances the heart. It reduces blockages and stagnation in the heart and helps the heart function in its optimum ability. It helps lower blood pressure, and balances the blood that reaches the eyes. When the blood pressure is balanced it can lessen eye fatigue. The crane qigong helps one be more content and at peace. When one is content and at peace it manifests in the eyes. The crane qigong is another qigong eye exercise that is really effective.
Dragon Qigong
The Dragon Qigong connects to the water element and connects with the kidney organ. This qigong connects to the water element and associates with the kidney organ. This is a good qigong eye exercise because it balances the function of the kidney. It also incorporates the eye or gaze as we look back into the back of the hand at the peak of the form. This expands the eye and then when we release it, we allow fresh qi to flow in the muscles and nerves that surrounds the eyes. When the kidney is balanced the body can filter waste and salt properly and thus release excess buildup of waste and salt in the eyes.
8 Trigram Organ Qigong
The 8 Trigram qigong is an overall effective qi gong exercise to balance the organs so that they can function best. One of the 8 Trigram qi gong exercises that can help with eye health is the Rabbit Springs. The Rabbit Springs focuses on the digestive system. This helps release any toxins in the gut. Through this qi gong the gut-eye axis functions better. This qi gong also stretches the eye as the movement extends backwards and then releases forward which helps in releasing any tension in the eyes.
Qigong for eyes is important
There are many ways to maintain eye health. A lot of modern medicines can help but doing medical qigong such as Meridian Qigong, 5 Element Qigong and 8 Trigram Qigong would help prevent any eye disorders. Qigong is a very balanced way to maintain eye health as it stretches the eyes and the meridian channels. Qigong also helps maintain the organ functions needed for good eye health. Having a healthy eye is optimal for all people especially with the demands of this day and age. Try Qigong and see the maximum results in can give.