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White Tiger QigongWhite Tiger Qigong
Establishing Balance between Dynamic and Static Qigong Movements

Establishing Balance between Dynamic and Static Qigong Movements

While practicing Medical Qigong, it is important to follow a complete Qigong training system and to incorporate both dynamic and still movements into every practice. At times, we should move smoothly like flowing water, then, shift to very active and vigorous movements representing the power of fire. Two key elements of Medical Qigong training, Dynamic Qigong and Static Qigong should complement each other and be well-balanced to bring the highest health benefits to the Qigong practitioner.

Static Qigong

Static Qigong is considered more Yin. It requires little or no motion of the body and includes sitting and standing Qigong practices.

Medical Qigong sitting practices, such as Primordial Breathing teach us how to focus on inhales and exhales, and breathe naturally and deeply. It is frequently practiced with Golden Elixir Qigong i.e. generating and swallowing saliva, the Golden Elixir of health and vitality. With the coordination of breathing and Golden Elixir Qigong practice, you can reduce excessive heat in your body and heal digestive issues and other health problems.

Standing Medical Qigong is also known as Zhan Zhuang. It mainly aims to center the body between heaven and earth, while visualizing the roots coming from feet deep down into the earth and energy connection with the heaven through the Crown Point. There are several kinds of Zhan Zhuang postures that can be practiced on their own or incorporated into other Qigong movements and forms. Main benefits of Standing Medical Qigong training include balancing the central nervous system and releasing blockages of Qi energy in any parts of the body.

Dynamic Qigong

Dynamic Qigong is considered more Yang. It involves limb and body movements. These movements can range from simple forms to deep twists, stances and stretches. Dynamic Medical Qigong has three levels:

  1. Meridian Qigong (1st level)
  2. Organ Qigong (2nd level)
  3. Bone Qigong (3rd level)

As we go deep with Qigong training practice, we gradually master each level before moving to the next one. First, we learn how to open the Meridian Channels of the body. Then, we learn how to open and massage our internal organs. And only after that, we are able to proceed with deep stances and postures of Bone Qigong.

Balancing Dynamic and Static Qigong with Qi Flow

Our dynamic and static Qigong movements should also be balanced with the movement of Qi energy in our body. Static Qigong is a very energetic exercise system that allows cultivating inner Qi efficiently. When you practice Static Qigong, you can induce the Qi circulating vigorously. On the other hand, when you do dynamic forms, the Qi should flow calmly.

Therefore, a complete Medical Qigong training involves not only the right balance between Dynamic and Static Qigong, but also the balance between body movements and Qi energy flow.

In White Tiger Qigong School, you can learn and practice integrated Medical Qigong system that incorporates both Dynamic and Static Qigong forms. If you are interested to take part in our courses, join our upcoming Medical Qigong training in February, 2017.

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