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Doriane Gillet

Course: Date: 11 October 2018 Comments: Comments Off on Doriane Gillet
Doriane Gillet- France

“Tevia is one-of-a-kind teacher and I recommend to anyone wanting to know more about Qi Gong, to improve his/her own practice, or to discover Qi Gong, to participate in one of Tevia’s trainings. He has accumulated a lot of knowledge from highly respected masters throughout the years, and it is a real honour to receive some of these teachings. The 3-week teacher training course I attended in September 2016 helped me deepen my spiritual journey. I got a better understanding of my body and ways to respect it and keep in good health, through Qi gong movements, breathing techniques and meditation. It was also an amazing opportunity to meet people from around the world, who are now great friends, and from whom I have learned a lot. I am grateful to Tevia for this great experience!”

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